Document Management

The following items have been either resolved (D#) or added to (F#) Nexsure. Click the Video icon to view the instructional video that details the changes to Nexsure.

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Item # Category Subtopic Description of Change Video
F2482 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added folder structure for attachments. Security.
F2482 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added folder structure for attachments. Folder setup.
F2482 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added folder structure for attachments. Folder use.
F2646 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added ability to open attachments in read-only mode if checked out by another user.
F2965 Doc Mgmt Templates Policy Description field available to pull into a Microsoft® Word and Excel®template also viewable in the policy list summary screen.
F3014 Doc Mgmt   A window to prompt users to close open documents when logging out of Nexsure has been added.
F3281 Doc Mgmt Attachments When adding Microsoft Outlook® message attachments the user is provided an opportunity to name before attaching.
    Attachments Progress information is available when adding attachments to Nexsure.
    Attachments A warning will be displayed if an attachment is too large.